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Sunday, February 3, 2013

Keep Calm , Think Wise.....


Alhamdulillah masih dikurniakan nikmat nyawa......^____^
lama xupdate blog nih...hampir 2 minggu dah kot...tu la aku...mai rasa malas nk post gak cmni la jadinyer....
hmm....beberapa perkara berlaku dalam tempoh ni...huhu...
perkara yg agak shock jugak..haha...whatever it is, just take it positively, rite?? ^__^
ok....penah x berada dlm situasi yg mana kita akn rasa berat sgt, rasa cm waa......nk nangis..confuse, serba salah, happy pun ada gak, sedih pun ada gak and the most important thing when it come to the thing that we has to decide the thing that relate to our future...well, it's complicated.....huhu....but as a muslim, we must handle it wisely, with iman and have faith in ALLAH...have faith that what is planned to us is the best.....=)
it became more complicated when it involves the feeling...yaa...the feeling....hahaha....jiwang sungguh....hehe
well..enough for that....sepanjang bulan Rabiulawal ni,iaitu bulan kelahiran kekasih ALLAH, Nabi Muhammad S.A.W, bnyk aktiviti, program yang dijalankan di ipg aku ni....alhamdulillah....semuanya kerana cinta..cinta kepada Rasulullah S.A.W......^____^
malam esk ni plak ada Konsert Amal Palestin...hehe...best2..artis Pekin pun ada mlm esk...insyaALLAH...
it must be fun and the most important is the input we can get from it...
Malam esk jugak ada nasyid2...my friend pun perform malam esk nih....xsabar nk dengaq lagu Damai Yang Hilang..kah3...i love the last part..yang high pitch punye part tu...hehe..nice...=)
harap ramai yg pegi ke konsert mlm esk...moga dengan program tersebut dapat menyentuh hati-hati dan membuatkan yg xtahu jadi tahu, yg xsedar jd sedar, yg xpeduli jadi peduli dengan situasi umat Islam sekarang...sama ada di Palsetin, Syria mahupun di mana2 sahaja...kalu dengan program di surau agak susah untuk tarik mereka mungkin  dengan program hiburan seperti ini dapat menarik minat guru-guru pelatih di Bainun ini....
hmm...teringat my classmate, Vik.An indian guy...he asked a last few days, he asked me what really happened in Syria..he asked me about Syiah...n i explained to him a bit about it...well, aku bukan org yg layak, arif untuk terangkan very detail to him...i just explain to him setakat yg aku mampu......huhu
Vik pelik, sesama Islam bunuh sesama islam..and i explain why.....well, it was a good question from him...at least dia alert about what happened in Syria....baguslah,...ni indian yg alert..ada yg islam sendiri pun ada yg xpeduli langsung sal benda ni....huhu
Moga ALLAH beri hidayah kepada Vik....^____^
n Vik ni satu group in class with me....well, have fun to be one group with him...he's a good guy..so far..=)
but Vik ni jugak la yg xhabis2 duk ngusik aku dlm kelas...duk ngusik aku ngn seseorg...adeh la...xhabis2...haha....apa pun, aku xkisah sgt...at least i can be happy in the class...aku anggap tu gurauan kawan2.....^___^
lastly...hmm.....i'm having a quite hard situation right now....moga ALLAH permudahkan urusanku...
i think it is not a big problem, but it's a serious matter that i have to think about it...cannot tell everyone la...hehe..it involve family, friend?? somebody...somebody??haha....(it's not funny...=__=")
stay happy and live my life as usual and even better...=)
Rabbi yassir.......
keep calm and think wise...ok....^____^

*free palestin....save Syria.....care Rohingya.....
victory for Islam!!

*Put a smile..it's sadaqah....^____^

(editted picture using picmonkey photo editor...^__^)